10 exercícios resolvidos sobre animais em inglês com gabarito e explicações!
Aprimore seus conhecimentos em inglês sobre animais de forma leve e descontraída!

Which of these animals is not a mammal?
Dog goes woof
Cat goes meow
Bird goes tweet
And mouse goes squeek
Cow goes moo
Frog goes croak
And the elephant goes toot
Ducks say quack
And fish go blub
And the seal goes ow ow ow
But there’s one sound
That no one knows
What does the fox say?
. . .
In the song "The Fox" by the Norwegian duo "Ylvis", which animals are not mammals?
What is the correct alternative among comparisons of animal characteristics?
Choose an incorrect alternative about the colors of animals?
What is the biggest animal in the world?
What is the biggest bird in the world?
Marque a alternativa onde os três animais estão corretamente traduzidos do português para o inglês.
Select the wrong alternative about animals.
Fill in the blank with a carnivorous animal.
The ________ main prey is: rabbits, squirrels, snakes, and other animals, mainly small rodents.
Which of the animals below is not oviparous (one that lays eggs)?