About the phrase “It’s harder to engage online” (l. 24), we . . .

Exercício 1

About the phrase “It’s harder to engage online” (l. 24), we can say that:

  • I. It’s a comparative structure.

  • II. “Harder” could be replaced by “most difficult” with no changes in meaning.

  • III. “Harder” follows the same spelling rules as “bigger”.

Which statements are correct?

Only I.
Only II.
Only I and III.
I, II, and III.

Resolva também as questões relacionadas abaixo sobre Comparativo.

Exercício 2

Complete the sentence below with the right verb and adjective. "I k ...

Exercício 3

Check the incorrect alternative about the use of comparatives.


Exercício 4

Considerando as informações dadas no texto e as regras gramaticais ...

Veja também as perguntas respondidas abaixo.


Qual o comparativo de beautiful em inglês ?


Qual o comparativo de small em inglês ?


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